About Us

Who Am I?

Hi I'm Kunal Mehrotra An active researcher and contributer to the Deep Learning Society,open to all AI based projects. Web and Android Developer specializing in front end development. Experienced with all stages of development cycle for dynamic web and android based projects. Currently pursuing my B.tech in Computer Science Specilization at SRM Institute of Science and Technology.

I became adept in Linux environment by completing the Redhat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA) certification.

I have a keen interest in the area of Machine Learning and Deep learning, I have taken part in many hackathons, have worked on many projects and authored 4 research papers in this field.

Data Science

Web Design

Deep Learning


What I do?

Here are some of my expertise

Web Development

Android Development

IOS Development

Data Science

Deep Learning


Cups of coffee
Research Papers
My Specialty

My Skills

The areas where I like to collaborate and contribute.

Deep Learning








Redhat Administration


Internet Of Things



































Northeastern Univeristy, Khoury College of Computer Sciences.

  • Batch 2021-2023
  • CGPA: 4
  • Courses
    • CS5010 - Program Design Paradigms
    • CS5200 - Database Management Systems
    • CS5800 - Algorithms
    • DS5110 - Intro to Data Management and Processing
    • CS6120 - Natural Language Processing
    • CS6964 - Co-op Work Experience
    • CS5610 - Web Development
    • CS5500 - Foundations of Software Engineering
    • DS5230 - Unsupervised Machine Learning and Data Mining
    • CS5170 - Artificial Intelligence for Human Computer Interaction

SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Kattankulathur

  • Batch 2016-2020
  • CGPA: 3.5/4
  • Percent: 86.72%

Seth Anandram Jaipuria School, Kanpur

  • Batch 2015-2016
  • 10th - 95%
  • 12th - 92%

Work Experience

Software Engineer at Onshape, PTC Technology, Boston, USA Jun 2023 - Aug 2023

  • Streamlined Full Stack backend operations using JavaScript, resulting in a 25% improvement in document load times through strategic code refactoring and the implementation of efficient logic, ensuring uninterrupted design workflows, and increasing overall software reliability
  • Pioneered a time-saving CAD feature, enabling designers to apply drafts at multiple angles with a single click within the rib functionality, resulting in a 40% increase in design efficiency
  • Developed and conducted comprehensive Simulation unit tests, ensuring seamless integration and robustness of the new feature across diverse design scenarios
  • Machine Learning Engineer at CNH Industrial, Boston, USA Jan 2023 - May 2023

  • Developed and fine-tuned computer vision models in Azure Databricks using Resnet50 architecture and transfer learning techniques to accurately classify tractor implement equipment, while addressing class imbalance with smart sampling methods attaining an accuracy of 92% on test set.
  • Contributed to NLP-based client chatbot by creating knowledge base question-answer pairs for efficient query-response mapping.
  • Utilized unsupervised ML algorithms (DBSCAN, agglomerative clustering) on satellite imagery for crop mapping and field boundary detection, enhancing precision agriculture practices.
  • Graduate Teaching Assistant at Northeastern University, Boston, USA May 2022 - Dec 2023

  • Assisted Professor Amit Shesh by holding Office Hours, developing course content on Image Processing and MVC architecture design, conducting recitations and tutoring 350 students, helping them implement best coding practices thus lowering dropout rates by 8%
  • Software Development Engineer at Xcaliber Health, Boston, USA July 2022 - Sept 2022

  • Created Enterprise Master Patient Index for indexing patients based on the Electronic Healthcare data by implementing deterministic and probabilistic matchings using NIST tokenization algorithms. Generated hash as Vaultless tokens and validated using checksum techniques achieving 95% precision in matching patient records and removing redundant data
  • Worked extensively with RESTful web services and OAuth to integrate Xcal platform and client organizations, used various data formats (JSON, XML) to provide an interface to third-party applications, created new features leveraging MVC pattern using Node.js run time
  • Designed and developed Javascript SDKs with entire microservice data pipeline for ingesting Workforce data into Kafka cluster using Apache Flink to process data streams used to deploy new APIs as part of their job, thereby improving application performance by 30%
  • Achieved 90%-unit test coverage using Junit and Jest frameworks on EMPI and Xcal API integration platform
  • Full Stack Developer at Acme In Tech, Lucknow Apr - Sep 2020

  • Created a Marketplace E-commerce platform and increased revenue by 50%.
  • Worked on technologies like WordPress, Bootstrap, MySql, PHP, Laravel, jQuery.
  • Worked on Amazon’s EC2 instances, auto-scaling, and Load Balancers and made the site faster by 20%.
  • Research Assistant at BRNS
    Jan 2019 - May 2020

  • Created X-ray baggage scanning application by using Convolutional Neural Network-based binary classifier for colored baggage x-rays, with an F1 score of 0.97.
  • Deployed these models as Flask app in Pynq Z1 and Nvidia Jetson Nano edge boards.
  • Campus Ambassador for Bolt IoT, SRM IST
    Feb - April 2019

    During this internship, the tasks undertaken given to me were related to popularising the concepts of Internet of Things(IoT) and Machine Learning(ML), brand awareness and business development of the Bolt IoT and ML online video training.

    Ground Station Software Developer at OBC(On Board Computer Systems)
    Sep 2016 - Jan 2019

    As a part of SRM's satellite program funded by the government, our primary objective of this mission is to correlate the different subsystems present in the cube satellite. In which the Onboard Computer Systems work as the centre which links all the other subsytems with each other taking into consideration the payloads and their requirements.

    Web Developer Intern at Acme In Tech, Lucknow Nov - Dec 2018

    I got the opportunity to test and enhance my skills by working on a current live project on Shopify mainly on Laravel a php framework. I had the experience of working in a team, how to coordinate and manage tasks in a project.

    Artificial intelligence Project Intern at Wipro ltd, Gurgaon
    June 2018

    My role in the company helped me gain immense knowledge in the field of machine learning and artificial intelligence. It helped me improve my problem solving ability and how to work together as a team. I worked on an email classifier system to be used by the employees of Wipro and their voice recognition by using the techniques of natural language processing present in Microsoft's Azure machine learning services..

    My Work

    Recent Work


    Pulse is a dynamically typed high-level interpreted language with optimized implementation of neural networks.


    NumPP is a C++ port of Python's famous numerical and scientific computation library - NumPy.

    Vastu Kosh

    Hassle Free Storage Locker Service


    Prevent Cyberbullying


    Food Scanner and Fitness App


    Satellite Tracker System


    Malaria Detection using Deep Neural Networks

    Power In Your Hands

    Rural development portal